Wholesale: Products & Services

Billing Information - Dispute Process - V13.0




The purpose of this process is to document requirements for submitting billing disputes to Brightspeed’s Wholesale Billing Centers.


Once billing has occurred, and if you have a general question about your bill or charge on your bill, you should contact the Brightspeed™ Billing Service Delivery Coordinator (SDC) assigned to your account.  If the Brightspeed Billing SDC cannot resolve the billing type question, you may submit a dispute for the disputed amount.


Process Diagram






Submitting a Dispute


Check individual state tariffs and/or your Interconnection Agreement for time limits for submitting a dispute.


Brightspeed offers two options for submitting disputes. (CRIS, ENS, BART, NIBS):


Click here to fill out the Dispute Notification Form (in WORD format).
Click here to fill out the Dispute Notification Form (in EXCEL format).


Lumen offers two options for submitting disputes. (LATIS, CABS, LEXCIS):


Click here to fill out the Dispute Notification Form (in WORD format).
Click here to fill out the Dispute Notification Form (in EXCEL format).


The following rules apply when filling out the Dispute Notification Form:


  • One product per dispute (i.e. Resale, Unbundled, Collocation)
  • One bill period per dispute (i.e. 10th bill period)
  • Multiple bill months are allowed for the same bill period (i.e. 1-10-05, 2-10-05 etc.)
  • If multiple bill months are disputed on one dispute form, Brightspeed will use the oldest bill month when entering the dispute
  • If you copy and paste information from BillMate, provide the BillMate file name. (i.e. MONSERV, SOACTVTY, Toll, etc).


Example Dispute Supporting Information Format:


The following are only examples. You can attach dispute summary and detail information to the dispute form or attach detail spreadsheet information to the dispute form.


Example #1:


Sub AccountDispute type/ DescriptionDispute ReasonQtyService OrderBilled RateShould billDifference
0000000000000High-Speed InternetRates does not match contract section 1000.01C1234567$10.00$1.00$9.00
1111111111111MRC G235M High-Speed Internet"1C8910111$10.00$1.00$9.00
2222222222222MRC G235M High-Speed Internet"1C1213145$10.00$1.00$9.00
Total    $30.00$3.00$27.00


Example #2:


Tab 1: Dispute Form


Tab 2: Main Account Number with Summary Information


  • Dispute Type/Description (e.g. 3-way calling, Intralata toll, Tax)
  • Dispute Reason
  • Disputed $ Amount Total per Dispute Type


Example Summary Tab:


Dispute Type and DescriptionDispute ReasonAmount in Dispute
MRC on Long Distance ChargesNot in ICA Section 1000$30.00


Tab 3: Main Account Number with detailed explanation


  • Detail (e.g. Sub Accounts, Circuit number)
  • Dispute Description
  • Amount in Dispute
  • Total dispute amount should equal field 12 on the dispute form


Example Detail Tab:


Intralata TOLLDescriptionDisputed Amount
801239XXXXCUSLong Distance Charges$10.00
801239X1X1CUSLong Distance$10.00
801239X2X2CUSLong Distance$10.00
Total $30.00


Once the dispute submittal form is completed, submit your dispute by email, fax or U. S. Mail (or other written format jointly agreed upon between Brightspeed and you). If submitting by email, send to the Wholesale Billing Center’s Mailbox at Wholesale.Dispute@Brightspeed.com. Include Customer ACNA or RSID or ZCID or TRAK, Customer dispute ID # (if applicable), State and disputed bill month(s) in the subject line as space permits.


Receipt of Dispute


Billing days/hours for receipt of billing disputes are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central Time, excluding Brightspeed Legal Holidays. Disputes for billing errors received outside these business hours shall be considered received at 8:00 AM Central Time on the first business day thereafter.


Acknowledgment of a Dispute


Brightspeed will provide acknowledgment of your written documented dispute within two business days of receipt of dispute by email, fax or U. S. Mail (or other written format jointly agreed upon between Brightspeed and you pursuant to a written agreement). The acknowledgment will include:


Email Subject Line: Customer name, customer dispute ID # (if applicable), Brightspeed ID #, State, and disputed bill month will be included in the subject line (as space permits). The acknowledgment will include:


  • Brightspeed ID #
  • Your company name
  • Your company code (ACNA or RSID or ZCID)
  • Bill Date
  • Your own dispute (claim) number, if provided
  • Date dispute received by Brightspeed
  • BAN (including CUS code)
  • State
  • Total disputed $ amount
  • If dispute rejected, the reason for rejection (i.e. missing dispute reason)


At the time of acknowledgment, the dispute will be reviewed for completeness. The dispute is rejected if missing any required information. Brightspeed will assign a unique ticket number for each dispute type (also known as reason code) the customer included in the dispute; each dispute type counts as a dispute. The Brightspeed assigned ticket number will reflect the customer's dispute number, if provided.


Examples how Brightspeed treats a dispute:


How Brightspeed counts Acknowledgment (ACK) and Resolution (Reso) Disputes:


Dispute Receive Date:Bill PERDisputed Bill DateBilling Account NumberDispute Type(s):ACKCount:ResoCount:
5-04-041st01-01-04303B0400000001. NRC on a USOC11
4-01-041st3-10-0461200000000001. TAX
2. LPC


Rejected Dispute Examples


Rejected (or returned) means a Brightspeed Dispute ID number is assigned, but required information is missing. Brightspeed will send an acknowledgment response to you and identify why the dispute is rejected and communicate what information is missing. To resubmit the dispute, provide the original Brightspeed Dispute ID # and the missing information.


Rejection examples:


  • If the dispute is missing required supporting information needed to process the dispute or dispute is not submitted following this Dispute Business Procedure.
  • When Brightspeed receives your billing dispute prior to Brightspeed's Public Utilities Commission (PUC) ordered Cost Docket Implementation Date.
  • Duplicate disputes of the same item more than once (i.e. disputing non recurring charges on the same order more than once)
  • If double disputing (i.e. disputing the same time period more than once. .For example disputing March recurring charges and then send in another dispute for February, March and April recurring charges causing a double dispute for the March non recurring charges)
  • When invoking escalation procedures on a dispute and you change the original disputed issue (i.e. the original resolved dispute was for non-recurring charges (NRC) dispute type and you added another dispute type and bill period on the escalation. This is considered a new dispute.)
  • Disputing charges in advance of charges displaying on your bill


Carrier Access Billing System Bill Output Specifications (CABS/BOS) Format


If your account is in Carrier Access Billing System Bill Output Specifications (CABS BOS) Bill Data Tape Records (CABS/BOS) format, check the Differences List. The BOS Bill Data Tape (BDT) Differences List is provided to inform customers, who choose the BDT option, of any instance where Brightspeed differs from the standards detailed in the current version of Telcordia's CABS/BOS documentation. The differences may be in the record outlay, the use of data elements, the use of phrase codes, or identifying the company's local calling plans.


Sub Accounts are not provided in CABS/BOS format. If Brightspeed provides a list of the Working Telephone Numbers (WTN) for UNE-P accounts and a list of the Circuit IDs for Unbundled Loop accounts, then your dispute must provide this level of supporting documentation.


Brightspeed's Dispute Resolution


Once the dispute is resolved, the Brightspeed Billing SDC will provide the results of the investigation in a dispute resolution notification letter. The dispute will be either resolved in customer favor or resolved in Brightspeed favor or partially resolved in Brightspeed and Customer favor.


If Brightspeed sends a resolution saying Brightspeed resolves in customer favor, Brightspeed will identify on the resolution letter the credit from and through dates. In this example, you are not required to continue to send in disputes each month saying the rate is wrong. The credit will automatically apply usually within two billing cycles for the time the adjustment was issued.




Dispute Receive Date:Bill PERDisputed Bill Period/Year submitted on dispute:Dispute Type(s):Resolution Letter Sent Date:Effective Date:
5-04-041st01-01-04 to 4-1-041. MRC on a USOC5-30-0401-01-04


In the example above, the charges are corrected from your January 1, 2004 bill and going forward. You received Brightspeed Resolution Letter on May 30, 2004 stating you should see a credit within the next two billing cycles. If today is June 2, 2004 and you see the exact rate is wrong on your June 1, 2004 bill, you would not need to submit another dispute.


Note: If a Commission final cost docket order has been issued, but not implemented by Brightspeed, Brightspeed will provide you with a final resolution letter describing whether Brightspeed is resolving in Brightspeed favor or Customer favor or partial Brightspeed and customer favor. Brightspeed will notify you when rates will be implemented and the true up adjustment effective dates per the Commission.


The following will be entered on the resolution:


Email Subject Line: Customer name, Brightspeed Dispute ID #, Customer dispute ID # (if applicable), State and disputed bill month will be included in the subject line as space permits.


  • Your Contact Name:
  • Your Address (unless dispute sent via email)
  • City, State, Zip code (unless dispute sent via email)
  • BAN
  • Bill Date
  • Customer Dispute #, if available
  • Brightspeed ID #:
  • Total $ Amount disputed
  • Dispute Type
  • Status
  • $ Amount resolved Brightspeed favor, Customer Favor or Partial (Brightspeed favor and customer favor)


The following additional fields could appear on the Resolution Notification Letter if resolved in Brightspeed Favor:


  • Final Commission Cost Docket number will be included, if available
  • Service order will be included, if available
  • Trouble Ticket number will be included, if available
  • Interconnection Agreement (IA) or Tariff section
  • Reason why resolved in Brightspeed Favor


The following additional fields could appear on the Resolution Notification Letter if resolved in Customer Favor:


  • Credit from and through dates: m/d/yyyy to m/d/yyyy
  • Credit will appear within two billing cycles


Spreadsheet attachments or other documentation that details the resolution, including how or why the conclusion was reached may also be included.


Download Sample Resolved Customer Favor Dispute Resolution Letter


Download Sample Resolved Customer/Brightspeed Favor Resolution Letter


Download Sample Resolved Brightspeed Favor Resolution Letter


Brightspeed's Dispute Status


If the Brightspeed Billing SDC is unable to resolve the dispute within 28 calendar days after acknowledgment of the dispute, a status update per dispute type/reason will be provided to you in writing on a Brightspeed status notification letter. The follow-up date will be no later than 28 calendar days from the receipt of the dispute or sooner if dispute is resolved.




If you do not agree with Brightspeed's Resolution Letter provide, in writing, the reason why you disagree and the original Brightspeed Dispute ID #. Submit via email, fax or U. S. Mail (or other written format jointly agreed upon between Brightspeed and you) to the assigned Brightspeed Billing SDC.


If the SDC is unable to resolve the problem or provide the requested information to your satisfaction, you may initiate an escalation for any issue, at any time, and at any escalation point. Resolution of the dispute is expected to occur at the first level of management resulting in a recommendation for resolution of the dispute.




If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with Brightspeed, view Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC. If you are an existing CLEC wishing to amend your Interconnection Agreement or New Customer Questionnaire, additional information is located in the Interconnection Agreement.




Customer Records and Information System (CRIS) billing is described in Billing Information - Customer Records and Information System (CRIS).


Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) billing is described in Billing Information - Carrier Access Billing System (CABS).


Billing and Receivable Tracking (BART) billing is described in Billing Information - Billing and Receivable Tracking (BART).




Local Brightspeed 101 "Doing Business With Brightspeed"


  • This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with Brightspeed. It will provide a general overview of products and services, Brightspeed billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here to learn more about this course and to register.


View additional Brightspeed courses by clicking on Course Catalog




Brightspeed contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


This section is being compiled based on your feedback.


Last Update: January 22, 2021