Wholesale: Products & Services

Directory Listing Providers Business Procedures


The Directory Listing Providers Business Procedures describes Brightspeed processes and business rules for working with you to establish and maintain directory listing information throughout Brightspeed. You provide end-user directory listing information to Brightspeed to ensure that the end-user listings in Brightspeed's listing database are current and accurate. This makes your listings available to Brightspeed's Directory Assistance (DA) and for publication in published directories based on contractual agreements. Maintaining a comprehensive listing database, regardless of each end-user's Local Service Provider, ensures that end-users have access to complete DA Information and the option to appear in a published White Page Directory.


Download Directory Listing Providers Business Procedures Doc - (03-09-20)

Directory Listing Providers Business Procedures History Log

On-Demand Verification Proof Request Form

Download IMA Facility-Based CLECs and Reseller/Unbundled Network CLECs Directory Listing Forms


Last Update: March 9, 2020