Swindlers are clever. They are constantly looking for new ways to obtain people's financial and personal information. By adhering to a few fundamental guidelines and being vigilant of tell-tale fraud-warning signs, you become better at protecting yourself against them.
We have received complaints of scammers posing as Brightspeed agents contacting consumers and requesting financial or personal information. Criminals that pose as us or one of our partners may target our clients. Please be on the lookout for calls that you didn't ask for or requests for personal information.
Because they are expert manipulators, scammers will say or do everything to win your trust. Criminals may contact you via emails, texts, or phone calls while posing as a corporate representative, in an effort to get you to divulge information that will allow them to steal your money or data. They might employ strategies like these:
All of the above are red flags. If you notice any of these signs, stop the conversation and report the issue by contacting us.
In all other cases, be extremely cautious of any caller who contacts you unexpectedly, claiming to be a Brightspeed representative.
When in doubt, tell the person you will call back later. DO NOT call back using the same number they called from. Instead, call us directly or chat with us. If there is a legitimate need, our agents will assist you.
Any email from Brightspeed will come from a @brightspeed.com email address. Examples of legitimate company email addresses include:
Watch out for email addresses that may look legitimate at first glance, but contain small differences or are from a non-Brightspeed web domain address.
Brightspeed will never ask you to reply directly to an email with personal information, so if you receive such a request, it is a scam. If you suspect suspicious activity, we encourage you to contact us using the number on your bill.
We put great effort into safeguarding our clients from fraud. Brightspeed collaborates with leading cybersecurity specialists, to proactively thwart phishing scams and crimes. When necessary, Brightspeed assists with fraud investigations, while always preserving your privacy. The FBI receives threat intelligence from us as well, which helps them with keeping track of and monitoring information on fraudsters. Finally, we strive to inform and empower our clients so they may stop frauds in their tracks and take legal action if they are the victims of one.
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