Manage wireless networks (SSIDs) on your modem

In the SSID Setup option of your modem's wireless setup, you can configure your network (SSID) and manage up to four wireless networks. 

NOTE:  Depending on your model, your modem's user interface may appear slightly different from the images below.

5. If given the choice, select "2.4 GHz" or "5 GHz" in the left sidebar. Some models do not offer this option. Read more about the how to choose between 2.4 and 5 GHz frequency, and learn which modems have this capability.

Select 5ghz - Step 5

6.  Select "SSID Setup" from the menu on the left sidebar.

Select SSID - Step 6

7.  Select the name of your wireless network (SSID). It's usually the one at the top of the drop-down list.

Select SSID - Step 7

8.  Select "Enable SSID" to activate the network, or "Disable SSID" to deactivate it.


Note: On some models, you will also have the choice to "Broadcast" the network, meaning it's visible to anyone in range, or "Hide" it from public view.

Select SSID - Step 8

9.  Enter a custom network name if you want (optional). This can make it easier to find your network when connecting devices to WiFi.

Select SSID - Step 9

10.  Select "Apply" to save your changes.

Select Apply - Step 10