Change your WiFi password through the app (version 2)

Select "Change My WiFi Password" near the bottom of the My Products screen. Then simply follow the instructions to enter your new password, and select "Save."

My Products screenshot for SWiFi modems
Screenshot of app showing "Change My WiFi Password"

Password tips

If you are prompted to choose 64 bits or 128 bits, follow these guidelines:

  • 64 bits: Enter 10 characters*
  • 128 bits: Enter 26 characters*
    * Characters can only contain letters between A-F and numbers between 0-9 with no spaces. 

In all other cases, your custom password must:

  • Be between 8 and 63 characters long
  • Contain at least one number from 0 to 9
  • Contain at least one letter from A to Z
    Note: The space character can be used (but is not required)

Helpful hint: If you lose or forget your password, you can always log back in to the Wireless Security menu and choose "Use Default" for the password. This will change it back to the original one printed on the modem sticker.

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